Are there examples of DEFAULT_FASTRTPS_PROFILES.xml?
Configuring FastRTPS for static IP addresses and streaming seems to be to create a DEFAULT_FASTRTPS_PROFILES.xml file to specify parameters. The eProsima "ROS2 Fine Tuning" presentation from ROSCon'17[1] hints at "InitialPeers" and "metatrafficUnicastLocatorList" XML elements. I can't find any other documentation on this XML file usage. The User Guide for FastRTPS[3] has a few scattered mentions and example snippets and the XSD files in the FastRTPS github repository[2] don't even define all the fields mentioned in the presentation.
The question is, are there any complete examples of DEFAULT_FASTRTPS_PROFILES.xml usages? Say I have 3 computers with static IP addresses that can't multicast to each other. What would the XML file be?
Or, most likely, can someone point me to the documentation that I have overlooked.