Rospack command not found in makefile when trying to build
Hello, I'm a beginner with ROS and I'm having trouble to build my first packages.
If a use 'rosmake rxtools', for example, I get a 'rospack failed to build' message.
I haven't found how to solve this so I tried to manually make this package, by going to its root directory and running 'make'. When I do this, I get the following message:
sudo make
make: rospack: Command not found
Makefile:1: / No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/'. Stop.
The Makefile looks like
include $(shell rospack find mk)/
So, it seems to me that the rospack command can not be found inside the makefile. I did some little test modifications in the makefile trying to verify this:
test=$(shell rospack find mk)
#include $(shell rospack find mk)/
@Echo Command result: $(test)
Which gives me this result:
make: rospack: Command not found
Command result:
But I have no idea of why the rospack command cannot be found, neither how to solve this.
I'll really appreciate any sugessitons about how to continue to debug this.