"WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?" - Force Torque
Running ubuntu 16.04, ROS kinetic, gazebo 7.
Trying to implement a force torque sensor model onto the end-effector of a sawyer robot. Model was successfully implemented, but plugin doesn't publish any data. I get the warning from the question title. Yes, /clock is being published because calling "rostopic echo /clock" will show the simulation clock.
warning occurs when i call "rostopic echo /right_hand_ft_sensor/ft_sensor_topic
I've found solutions where it suggests to call the following: "rosparam set use_sim_time false" and that hasn't fixed anything.
I've also seen solutions where it says to set the update_rate of the sensor to 0 in the robot.urdf. I can't try this solution because my sawyer.urdf does not contain the relevant section in the code where i would can set it the update rate to 0. the sensor package is based on xacro and i just include in the launch file of the sawyer robot.
any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated.
What command are you running that causes the warning message to be published?
@imcmahon please see edited post