how to check out from an svn that requires "callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt" ?
I'm installing Kinect Demos for DiamondBack,follow the instruction here:
and I get stucked on step 5:
Check out the mit-ros-pkg code, as well as other needed libraries using rosinstall:
rosinstall ~/kinect_demos /opt/ros/diamondback kinect_demos.rosinstall
I got error msgs like this
Installing to /home/azureviolin/kinect_demos/mit-ros-pkg
Failed to checkout from url : callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt required
ERROR: Failed to install tree '/home/azureviolin/kinect_demos/mit-ros-pkg'
Checkout of version into /home/azureviolin/kinect_demos/mit-ros-pkg failed.
So my question is, how to neglect this callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt and check out the svn anyway? Or, how to get this trust so that I can check out the svn?
I searched and found this
it says "mit-ros-pkg has a self-signed certificate, which means that SVN creates a prompt for checkout. You can override this in svn with '--non-interactive --trust-server-cert'. This doesn't seem like the right default option, but it would be nice to have an option in rosinstall that forces this. Otherwise we cannot rosdoc mit-ros-pkg w/o manually checking it out on every build machine "
but rosinstall doesn't have the option of "--non-interactive --trust-server-cert"
my OS is Ubuntu 10.04, with DiamondBack.