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how to check out from an svn that requires "callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt" ?

asked 2012-02-22 03:02:32 -0600

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I'm installing Kinect Demos for DiamondBack,follow the instruction here:

and I get stucked on step 5:

Check out the mit-ros-pkg code, as well as other needed libraries using rosinstall:

rosinstall ~/kinect_demos /opt/ros/diamondback kinect_demos.rosinstall

I got error msgs like this

Installing  to /home/azureviolin/kinect_demos/mit-ros-pkg
Failed to checkout from url : callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt required
ERROR: Failed to install tree '/home/azureviolin/kinect_demos/mit-ros-pkg'
 Checkout of version  into /home/azureviolin/kinect_demos/mit-ros-pkg failed.

So my question is, how to neglect this callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt and check out the svn anyway? Or, how to get this trust so that I can check out the svn?

I searched and found this

it says "mit-ros-pkg has a self-signed certificate, which means that SVN creates a prompt for checkout. You can override this in svn with '--non-interactive --trust-server-cert'. This doesn't seem like the right default option, but it would be nice to have an option in rosinstall that forces this. Otherwise we cannot rosdoc mit-ros-pkg w/o manually checking it out on every build machine "

but rosinstall doesn't have the option of "--non-interactive --trust-server-cert"

my OS is Ubuntu 10.04, with DiamondBack.


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answered 2012-02-22 15:15:21 -0600

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

I asked a friend about svn, and solved this problem.

type the following in terminal:

svn checkout

and you can choose to trust the certificate manually. the url after "svn check" can be anything under the same svn you want to get certificate.

In this case, do svn checkout once, delete the files that downloaded to your ~/ , and re-run rosinstall in step 5. it might take a while , but everything should be fine. You'll see " rosinstall update compelete." at last.

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Asked: 2012-02-22 03:02:32 -0600

Seen: 1,384 times

Last updated: Apr 04 '12