ros sick lms parameters help please
i have a SICK LMS 200 hooked up and am using ROS with the sicktoolbox and sicktoolbox_wrapper.
my question relates to the parameters found on this page...
i have tried changing parameters such as angle (to 10 for example) or resolution but the readouts shown by rostopic echo /scan always give me a large amount of read outs.
is it not possible to change the parameters to get, for example, only 10 values at a specified angle range?
i can understand that the actual mechanics inside the laser might not allow this but then why are these parameters offered? is it not possible to change them at all? the baud is able to be changed but what about Hz?
and when changing the parameters i have tried both these methods with no success: rosparam set sicklms/angle 5 OR rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms _port:= /dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:= 500000 _angle:= 10 _resolution:= 1
thanks for any tips!