tum simulator takeoff not working
Hi all,
I installed tum simulator and ardrone_autonomy and I have gazebo launching with a scene and I can see the drone but when I do rostopic pub -1 ardrone/takeoff std_msgs/Empty
nothing happens.
when I do rostopic list
I get:
When I publish to takeoff and do rostopic list
I can see that /ardrone/takeoff
gets added
rosnode list
gives me:
I am using ROS kinetic, but couldn't find good installations for it so I ended up installing indigo things. I didn't manage to install the ardrone_helpers but I understand that it isn't compulsory. Otherwise I did the installation from the ros website. The way I figure it I a publishing but the node for the drone is not subscribed to that topic for some reasen
I have spent more than 10 hourse trying to figure out what I did wrong and I got nothing, any help would be greatly appriciated.
Where did you install
from? The one listed in the wiki is for Hydro. Many packages for Indigo may work on Kinetic but there's no guarantees. You're best bet is to use the correct version of the package for your version of ROS (although I don't know oftum_simulator
for Kinetic).Check this answer https://answers.ros.org/question/2516...
I went back through my posts and saw that I forgot to update, so for anyone looking in the future I did end up using: https://github.com/angelsantamaria/tu... which is what was mentioned in jayess's link, Thanks!
@oha if my answer solved your problem then please click the check mark to mark it as correct.
I cant find a check mark next to a comment.. I only found an up arrow, is that what you meant? I am very sorry about this, I am trying to get better at using forums and contributing but am still struggling a bit..
No worries. The check mark is next to the answer.