Baxter simulation with controllers doesn't work
Hello there,
I haven't been able to run the Baxter simulation with controllers by following the instructions in Baxter simulation installation page (here). The only point at which I deviate from the instructions is that I did the installation from the kinetic-devel branch instead of the master branch to support ROS Kinetic as per the suggestions in here. I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with ROS Kinetic. After I was done with the installation and the configuration of the to include my baxter hostname and my ip, I run the following command:
./ sim
followed by the following command to run the simulator with controllers:
roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch
Then I Get a long output trace, the notable of which are the following segments:
<initialization output omitted>
[FATAL] [1493505890.694257829, 0.165000000]: No matching hardware interface found for 'hardware_interface/EffortJointInterface' while loading interfaces for right_s0
[FATAL] [1493505890.697592002, 0.165000000]: Could not initialize robot simulation interface
<initialization output continues ...>
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[data-string].
[ WARN] [1493505891.721203206]: GazeboRosVideo plugin missing <robotNamespace>, defaults to "".
[ WARN] [1493505891.721283972]: GazeboRosVideo Plugin (ns = ) missing <topicName>, defaults to "image_raw".
[ WARN] [1493505891.721298001]: GazeboRosVideo Plugin (ns = ) missing <height>, defaults to 240.
[ WARN] [1493505891.721319684]: GazeboRosVideo Plugin (ns = ) missing <width>, defaults to 320
[ INFO] [1493505891.767155891]: GazeboRosVideo (gzclient, ns = ) has started!
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[data-string].
[ WARN] [1493505892.192849445, 1.312000000]: GazeboRosVideo plugin missing <robotNamespace>, defaults to "".
[ WARN] [1493505892.192999780, 1.312000000]: GazeboRosVideo Plugin (ns = ) missing <topicName>, defaults to "image_raw".
[ WARN] [1493505892.193054191, 1.312000000]: GazeboRosVideo Plugin (ns = ) missing <height>, defaults to 240.
[ WARN] [1493505892.193111982, 1.312000000]: GazeboRosVideo Plugin (ns = ) missing <width>, defaults to 320
[ INFO] [1493505892.208347135, 1.314000000]: GazeboRosVideo (gzserver, ns = ) has started!
[ WARN] [1493505902.209672755, 10.303000000]: Topic '/robot/xdisplay' unable to connect to 2 subscribers within 10 sec. It is possible initially published visual messages will be lost.
[ INFO] [1493505902.351562348, 10.392000000]: Simulator is loaded and started successfully
gzserver: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:648: typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type boost::shared_ptr<T>::operator->() const [with T = controller_manager::ControllerManager; typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type = controller_manager::ControllerManager*]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
[gazebo-1] process has died [pid 7989, exit code 134, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver -e ode /home/majed/catkin_ws/src/baxter_simulator/baxter_gazebo/worlds/ __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/majed/.ros/log/db5978ae-2ca7-11e7-b226-080027ef320b/gazebo-1.log].
log file: /home/majed/.ros/log/db5978ae-2ca7-11e7-b226-080027ef320b/gazebo-1*.lo
Please let me know if more information is needed.