ROS Indigo on Raspberry Pi 3 urdf_model/utils.h: No such file
Hi everyone, I have such a uncommon problem and haven't found solution yet. I am followed instructions on ROSberry Pi to install ROS Indigo on Raspberry Pi 3. I used ros_comm (Bared Bones) on Raspbian Jessie Lite . I am using package ur_modern_driver, so in a nutshell it turned out, that it requires some extra packages to operate, also it needs "liburdfdom-dev". So I followed instructions from ROSberry Pi mentioned above to install that package from source. Firstly, urdfdom-headers-dev didn't compile with "cmake ." so it showed that version problem, which I solved with "git reset --hard 9aed725". Eventually, when I tried to "sudo checkinstall make install" with "liburdfdom-dev", it crashed: urdf_model_state.cpp:39:30 fatal error: urdf_model/utils.h: no such file or directory. Actually, this is saying, that I shouldn't do "git reset --hard 9aed725" in the first place, but it wouldn't work, as I mentioned. So have anyone met and solved the same problem?
And yes, according to ROSberry Pi this package should be installed by APT tool for Raspbian Jessie, but it doesn't. So that is why the question is so uncommon.
I attempted ROS on Raspbian and then discovered ROS Kinetic supports Ubuntu server natively on RPi3. There is no need to install from source for most ROS packages.
If you have the option, the ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) for RPi3 could save you much effort. The key is the "armhf" support.
suforeman, the point was to use Raspbian, cause it's native to RPi3 and supports ROS Indigo. Ubuntu 16.04 is not supported for Indigo. I've heard about Ubuntu 16.04 usage with Docker on Ubuntu 14.04, It's seems quite tricky
Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) for RPi3 doesn't support Docker (problem is because Docker needs arm64 ubuntu version), so that is not an option. There is no image of Ubuntu 14.04 for Raspberry Pi 3.
Understand now. This may be a case of "which is less painful". Is it harder to build ROS on Raspbian arm64 or get Docker on armhf. There appears to be some movement on the latter scenario: