Implimenting odometry on a real tutlebot
I wrote the following code to navigate my robot in a square using odometry. The objective for the code is use 4 goal positions(the 4 corners of a square) and navigating to it, by first making sure it is lined up(using odometry and goal positions) and then move using a linear twist if it is lined up. The process repeats 4 times to navigate a square.
In simulation(rviz) the code works and i can see the robot trying to implement the algorithm. However, on a real turtlebot, the code is being implimented but the robot barely or hardly moves from its position.
I have checked that the kobuki base works, by implementing a simple code.. Any suggestions or ideas.I really need urgent help and am open to any suggestions you may have.
import roslib
import rospy
import math
import random
import tf
from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion
import message_filters #A set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time, based on the conditions that filter needs met.
# The odometry message
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
# the velocity command message
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
# instantiate global variables "globalOdom"
globalOdom = Odometry()
goalX = None
goalY = None
success_percent = 0
arr_goalX = [0, -5, 0]
arr_goalY = [5, 0, -5]
# method to control the robot
def callback(odom):
# the odometry parameter should be global
global globalOdom
globalOdom = odom
at_goal = False
global goalX, goalY, success_percent, arr_goalX, arr_goalY
# make a new twist message
command = Twist()
#log the position to a file
X_file = open('X_data.txt','a')
Y_file = open('Y_data.txt','a')
for index in range(1):
# Fill in the fields. Field values are unspecified
# until they are actually assigned. The Twist message
# holds linear and angular velocities.
print "Success Percent = ", success_percent
command.linear.x = 0.0
command.linear.y = 0.0
command.linear.z = 0.0
command.angular.x = 0.0
command.angular.y = 0.0
command.angular.z = 0.0
# get goal x and y locations from the launch file
# get parameter 'lab2/goalX' with a default value of 0
# find current (x,y) position of robot based on odometry
currentX = globalOdom.pose.pose.position.x
currentY = globalOdom.pose.pose.position.y
print type(currentX)
if goalX is None:
goalX = currentX + 5
if goalY is None:
goalY = currentY
print "GoalX = ", goalX, "\tGoalY = ", goalY
if abs(currentX - goalX) < 0.1 and abs(currentY - goalY) < 0.1:
print "At goal!!!!"
if success_percent == 3:
rospy.signal_shutdown("Goal Reached.")
goalX = goalX + arr_goalX[success_percent]
goalY = goalY + arr_goalY[success_percent]
success_percent = success_percent + 1
# find current orientation of robot based on odometry (quaternion coordinates)
xOr = globalOdom.pose.pose.orientation.x
yOr = globalOdom.pose.pose.orientation.y
zOr = globalOdom.pose.pose.orientation.z
wOr = globalOdom.pose.pose.orientation.w
# find orientation of robot (Euler coordinates)
(roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion([xOr, yOr, zOr, wOr])
# find currentAngle of robot (equivalent to yaw)
# now that you have yaw, the robot's pose is completely defined by (currentX, currentY, currentAngle)
currentAngle = yaw
d_x = goalX - currentX
d_y = goalY ...
Please provide a explanation of the real fault, i.e. what do you expect to happen, what does actually happen.
Just stating "it does not work" will not let us provide any help...
I have edited the description. Sorry for being so broad and vague.