Interaction between 2 objects in Gazebo
I am working on a "pick and do" operation in ROS and simulating the same in Gazebo. I have model of a wrench, which is attached to my own gripper in URDF. The gripper in turn is attached to UR5. This setup has to rotate a knob on a panel. But as soon as the gripper touches the knob, the panel flies off even though the mass of the panel has been defined as 800kg in the sdf file.
I tried the same setup by replacing my gripper with PR2 gripper (and without the wrench) and I getting decent results. So my guess is, again there seems to be some problem with the inertia of my gripper and the wrench. Would be great if anyone could help me in defining it correctly. Remove the .jpg at the end of the file name. C:\fakepath\gripper.stl.jpg
Edit 1: Gripper URDF : C:\fakepath\gripper.urdf.xacro.jpg
Panel sdf: C:\fakepath\model.sdf.jpg
Edit 2: Here's the video after making the panel model static.
Edit 3:
The problem disappears after I enable kinematic
property in Gazebo GUI for each link of UR5. I am not sure if this is the right solution though. Also, I can't do this with
<gazebo reference="ur5_arm_wrist_3_link">
The only property which changes is selfCollide
. How can I change this through URDF? I haven't found any documentation. I could save the world file with the entire setup. Can I load the world file instead of URDF for UR5 as well? How can I set robot_description
parameter in that case?
This would be a better question for Either way, can you provide a world file of everything or SDF of the gripper? A few notes off the bat though. Set implicit_spring_damper to 1 for all joints, and make the wall a <static> model in the world.</static>
I don't think there's a problem with the world file, since it behaves properly with PR2. But nevertheless, attaching the files you requested for.
Regarding your comment about making the model <static>, the problem is I can't interact with the panel anymore, since I have to rotate the knob on the panel. Also, even though the panel remains static now, the robot still behaves weird even after just touching the panel.
Hi @intelharsh, were you able to solve this issue? I am facing similar problems when I try to pick up an object using UR10 in Gazebo