Isn't angle_max in sensor_msgs/LaserScan redundant?
If you look at a LaserScan message it has the fields:
- angle_min
- angle_max
- angle_increment etc...
Am I wrong, or isn't the angle_max field completely useless and redundant? The max angle can be calculated by:
angle_max = angle_min + angle_increment * ranges.size()
I have never come across a case where angle_max disagreed with that equation. In fact, if there was such a disagreement it would imply a very strange error. Most code I see or write doesn't even use the angle_max reading and chooses to ignore it.
So, is there some use for this that I am missing?
hmm maybe against floating point errors? (Just a wild guess)
This would make the most sense to me. Especially since laser scans can have thousands of points in them. The slight float point precision error will add up.