ROS on Raspberry 3
Hello, Is there anyone already install ROS on raspberry pi 3?
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Hello, Is there anyone already install ROS on raspberry pi 3?
I have just finished successfully installing ROS Indigo on my raspberry pi 3 with debian jessie. I installed from source using this guide:
The guide is greatly detailed, but you have to remember to be patient for it will take a lot of time and energy to successfully install ROS from source. And remember to apply the patches for "collada-dom-dev" and "rviz" if you want to install the full-desktop version.!msg... From there, there is an attached file that you can download. then go to folder: cd ~/ros_catkin_ws/src/robot_model/collada_urdf/src place the file there and rename it to fix.patch then apply the patch: patch < fix.patch
It is also mentioned in the guide to change the name from "collada-dom" to "collada-dom-dev". That also did not work for me as rosdep still could not find collada-dom-dev. I changed the name from "collada-dom" to "libcollada-dom2.4-dp-dev" and that fixed the issue.
are you installing ros command line or ros desktop version?
For the ros comm you don't need to build collada, you only need libconsole-bridge-dev and liblz4-dev. You can skip to the next step of the installation: resolving dependencies.
you can do a Chroot 14.04, on the 15.04 system. I did this for the dragonboard 410c and it works.
Most likely I will do this for the RPI3 or just compile natively
One easy way: Ubuntu Mate Xenial ( ) with ROS Kinetic ( ) Works fine on my RPI3
This is the best way, worked also fine for me. I had to use the shadow-fixed repos though ( )
You can try this procedures, I did install with these scripts. It uses ubuntu mate on raspi and ros kinetic. It has a detailed tutorial how to install ubuntu mate on ros. and then one line of script for installing ros
Easiest way to use ROS on raspberry Pi 3 is use this image as mentioned here.
This is an image with pre installed ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. Also has some good stuff with access points and static IP done for you.
This is by far the fastest method that I have come across.
Works well on my Raspberry Pi 3 B.
We have a Python script that can download and compile ROS Kinetic on a fresh Jessie Lite image if that helps.
You can also read more about what else the script does here.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Cheers Jack
I have used it, in particular, I have used ubuntu mate 16.06 with ROS Kinetic. I have successfully driven pioneer robot with it using the tutorial given here (link). It works fine. Best of luck to your project.
I installed Raspbian Jessie and then followed the ROS ARM Indigo Install guide and everything works fine.
For me it is giving below error, The following packages have unmet dependencies: ros-indigo-ros-base : Depends: ros-indigo-actionlib but it is not going to be installed Depends: ros-indigo-bond-core but it is not going to be installed ....
Try this.
with raspberry Pi3 ubuntuMATE ROS Kinetic
you can just download the image .iso about 8GB .zip
hey ı downloaded the ımage file and copy the sd cart.I connect Raspberry Pi 3 with putty but ı couldn't find user name and password. Can you tell me what they are ?
I use ssh ubuntu@ to access pi You should had a router connect your PI3 and laptop to same local network And setup IP for pi ex: so first time u need to use screen and HDMI wire to doing the setup
BTW, pi user is ubuntu, password also ubuntu
thank you ı succesfully login with putty but ı dont understant when you said "doing setup" ? what do you mean?
Oh if your are using linux you under terminal you can ssh ubuntu@ <ip> to your raspberry pi Once they are in the same local network</ip>
You can use Debian jessy?
Asked: 2016-03-24 13:24:59 -0600
Seen: 9,544 times
Last updated: Jun 28 '20
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I have not heard any success stories yet. I'd suggest you start with an installation of Ubuntu 14.04 if possible and then follow the UbuntuARM instructions.
Ubuntu mate?
Most of the Ubuntu MATE images that I see are based on Ubuntu 15.04, which isn't supported by the ARM builds of ROS.
so which ubuntu should be install it in my raspberry? i don't found ubuntu for raspberry
I can't find a version of Ubuntu 14.04 that is compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3 either.
I used an Ubuntu 15,04 image and compiled ROS (core) from sources. I didn't have any problems.