Extract Header from ShapeShifter
I'm trying to implement something similar to rospy.anymessage via roscpp. I am using Shapeshifter to extract the data. I only need the Header.stamp (I want to compare received time from the time the topic was published).
I'm running into a wall trying to extract the header stamp. I know rosbag imeplement something like this, but I could only find they use SubscriptionCallbackHelperT, but not how.
How can I extract the Header.stamp from a generic ros topic message?
void PerformanceTracker::topicCallback(const ShapeShifter::ConstPtr topicType){
ros::Time begin = ros::Time::now();
unsigned char* data = ShapeShifterGetData(topicType);
unsigned char* ShapeShifterGetData(const ShapeShifter::ConstPtr message){
unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[message->size()];
std::OStream stream(data, message->size());
return data;