RTAB-Map with odometry and laserscan
just getting started with ROS. I've got RTAB-map working with a kinectv2, but I'm seeing loss of tracking when there aren't enough feature points in the camera view.
I was wondering if adding odometry input would alleviate this problem in the actual robot? Would a laser scanner improve accuracy as well?
I'm contemplating buying a laser scanner as per: http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros/Tutor...
but I'm not certain how the laser scan interacts with RTAB-map. It says that the laser scan is used to construct a 2d occupancy grid, but that can already be done without RTAB-map. Is the 2d laser scan data used to improve performance in the 3d SLAM at all?
As you said the problem is when there are not enough features on the current image. The odometry info probably improve the perfomance. I don't think that laser scan alleviate that, it is use to get better results on the mapping but not have any influence on the issue that you mention.