I could not drive the turtle with the arrow keys [closed]
Hi,I am just beginning to learn ROS with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Indigo version. When comming to "ROS/Tutorials/ UnderstandingTopics. 1. Understanding ROS Topics. 1.1.3 turtle keyboard teleoperation"
I typed "rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key",then I only saw: "Reading from keyboard Use arrow keys to move the turtle", without the following part: "[ INFO] 1254264546.878445000: Started node [/teleop_turtle], pid [5528], bound on [aqy], xmlrpc port [43918], tcpros port [55936], logging to [~/ros/ros/log/teleop_turtle_5528.log], using [real] time"
Consequently,I could not drive the turtle with the arrow keys. I am sorry I do not know how to "select the terminal window of the turtle_teleop_key to make sure that the keys that you type are recorded" . Help me ,please.
Well, "Select the terminal window" just means you need to have the focus on the terminal, where the teleop node is running. I.e. as if you would be able to type therein. Otherwise, the key presses do not get sent to the turtlesim. Click into the window with the teleop and try again.
Thank you for the explanation,and I see now.