Using robot_localization package
I'm trying to use the robot_localization
package in my project to improve my turtlebot pose estimate.
I've read the package page and the tutorials but I'm still confused in some parts:
In the package page it states that the ekf_localization is the only node in the package. However, in the GPS integration tutorial it is used utm_transform_node. Do I need to use both of them? Is utm_transform_node output one of the inputs for ekf_localization? If yes, should I use the same IMU data for both nodes?
I've attached a cellphone to the robot and I'm retrieving the data from its internal sensors. Since my GPS data is already in latitude/longitude format, may I just publish this data in the fix topic in the utm_odometry_node from the gps_common package? This way I wouldn't need to use the nmea_navsat_driver package.
I know I'm supposed to use the data from the cellphone accelerometer as my IMU data. But I'm also receiving the data from the inclinometer sensor which provides me roll/pitch/yaw angle values. Wouldn't this data be more useful than the one from the accelerometer? Could it be easily implemented in the position estimate?
I'm sorry for the several questions, but I'm quite new to ROS and some things are still not very clear to me.