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ar_track_alvar crashes camera_nodelet_manager

asked 2014-08-12 04:06:51 -0600

updated 2014-08-13 03:55:07 -0600


I am struggling with the following problem: I am running openni_launch and ar_track_alvar. To minimize data sent over our network, we have set the image and depth mode of the camera to 5 (QVGA). However, when I want to detect some markers I set the camera image and depth mode to 2 to provide a higher resolution. I do this by running the following line from C++ code (found this example at the ROS wiki):

system("rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set_from_parameters camera/driver _image_mode:=2 && rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set_from_parameters camera/driver _depth_mode:=2");

At a certain moment in time I received the following error:

[camera/camera_nodelet_manager-5] process has died [pid 30792, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/hydro/lib/nodelet/nodelet manager __name:=camera_nodelet_manager __log:=/home/rose/.ros/log/9534a258-21f7-11e4-aed4-000cf6bedafb/camera-camera_nodelet_manager-5.log]

I thought this was caused by changing the resolution. I tested the openni_launch package separately by changing the resolution again and again from the terminal in a while-loop. But, the camera nodelet did not crash.

When I started ar_track_alvar in combination with the previous set up (changing the resolution in this while-loop), the error occurred when the marker was in the camera view. Hence, I think ar_track_alvar is causing the camera_nodelet_manager to crash.

I have tried to change the output_frame to /camera_depth_optical_frame. However, that did not work..

Launching the camera_nodelet_manager in gbd shows the following error:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fff9297f700 (LWP 25102)]
0x00007fffa309e522 in openni_wrapper::ImageBayerGRBG::fillRGB(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char*, unsigned int) const ()
from /opt/ros/hydro/lib/

Has anyone experienced the same issues? Are there solutions for this problem?

--- Extra information ---

Launch files:


<arg name="marker_size" default="4.4" />
<arg name="max_new_marker_error" default="0.08" />
<arg name="max_track_error" default="0.2" />

<arg name="cam_image_topic" default="/camera/depth_registered/points" />
<arg name="cam_info_topic" default="/camera/rgb/camera_info" />     
<arg name="output_frame" default="/camera_link" />

<node name="ar_track_alvar" pkg="ar_track_alvar" type="individualMarkers" respawn="false" output="screen" args="$(arg marker_size) $(arg max_new_marker_error) $(arg max_track_error) $(arg cam_image_topic) $(arg cam_info_topic) $(arg output_frame)" />

<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="right_gripper_marker_tf" args="0.087 0 0.025 3.1415 0 3.1415 /right_arm_wrist /right_arm_grippermarker_expected 10" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="left_gripper_marker_tf" args="0.087 0 0.065 3.1415 0 3.1415 /left_arm_wrist /left_arm_grippermarker_expected 10" />

<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="ar_marker_1_rename" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /ar_marker_1 /right_arm_grippermarker_observed 10" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="ar_marker_2_rename" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /ar_marker_2 /left_arm_grippermarker_observed 10" />



<arg name="kinect_camera_name" default="camera" />

<!-- Openni kinect  -->
<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch">
    <arg name="depth_registration" value="true"/> 
    <arg name="num_worker_threads" value="8"/> 
    <arg name="sw_registered_processing" value="false"/> 
    <arg name="camera" value="$(arg kinect_camera_name)" />

<param name="/$(arg kinect_camera_name)/driver/image_mode" value="5" /> <!-- 2 is default, 5 is QVGA -->
<param name="/$(arg kinect_camera_name)/driver/depth_mode" value="5" /> <!-- 2 is default, 5 is QVGA -->

<!-- Point cloud filters  -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="pcl_manager" args="manager" output="screen" />

<!-- Run ...
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2 Answers

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answered 2014-09-24 09:26:24 -0600

updated 2014-09-24 09:28:18 -0600

I have not fixed the issue with ar_track_alvar crashing the camera nodelet.

However, the original problem I had was sending too much data over the network.

"To minimize data sent over our network, we have set the image and depth mode of the camera to 5 (QVGA)."

This problem has been fixed by using theora compression at the side of the receiver. Using this, the image and depth mode could be set at 2 and no switching between modes has to be done anymore.

In the launch file:

 <param name="image_transport" value="theora"/>
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answered 2014-08-13 02:28:02 -0600

As nobody seems to share your problem so far, you should probably build relevant parts of the system in Debug mode and debug things using GDB as described here. This should provide some indication of what is at fault.

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Stefan, thank you for your suggestion. As a matter of fact, I tried running the camera_nodelet_manager in GDB yesterday and this morning again. It shows a segmentation fault in the function openni_wrapper::ImageBayerGRBG::fillRGB. I have updated my question.

mathijsdelangen gravatar image mathijsdelangen  ( 2014-08-13 03:56:25 -0600 )edit

Martijs,did you ever get this resolved? I am running Indigo and face the same problem. After 5 minutes of working correctly the camera_nodelet_manager crashes (Error in `/opt/ros/indigo/lib/nodelet/nodelet': malloc(): memory corruption).

pascalmater gravatar image pascalmater  ( 2016-02-28 00:11:13 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-08-12 04:06:51 -0600

Seen: 586 times

Last updated: Sep 24 '14