openni_ros - xtion pro - network connection has been closed!
I'm trying to get some depth data out of the Xtion Pro. I'm on ubuntu 10.0.4. I'm using the latest version of openni_ros and I'm following the directions at under 3. Quick Start to the T.
Unfortunately, I don't see any data in rviz, and I get the following message in the console. It looks like it can't detect my device?
[ INFO] [1314686850.673973496]: Number devices connected: 1
[ INFO] [1314686850.674117789]: 1. device on bus 003:02 is a PrimeSense Device (600) from PrimeSense (1d27) with serial id ''
[ INFO] [1314686850.676183995]: Searching for device with index = 1
[ INFO] [1314686850.681652725]: No matching device found.... waiting for devices. Reason: openni_wrapper::OpenNIDevice::OpenNIDevice(xn::Context&, const xn::NodeInfo&, const xn::NodeInfo&, const xn::NodeInfo&, const xn::NodeInfo&) @ /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/openni_ros/openni_camera/src/openni_device.cpp @ 61 : creating depth generator failed. Reason: The network connection has been closed!
Any ideas on what this closed network connection might be? And how I might repair it? Any one else using an Xtion Pro experiencing similar issues?