Get /joint_states from a quadrotor - MoveIt!
I'm trying to use MoveIt! as a motion planner to my quadrotor. I have rgbdslam running on it which gives me a /tf topic. Also have a optical flow module with a sonar which gives me linear velocities and height, but that is not already implemented in a node to get a better pose estimation. For now I just want a pose estimation based on rgbdslam /tf.
I checked that MoveIt! needs /joint_state topic being published but I don't know how to get this. Checking my graph nodes (this one: rosgraph.png ), I get /move_group being subscribed to /robot_state_publisher and to /joint_state_publisher, but none of this are subscribed to any topic, which is probably where the following problem exists:
I'm using hector_quadrotor quadrotor_with_asus.urdf.xacro (modified so to have the camera pointing in front as it is on my quad) to get a planner config to use in moveit. I set two links on it, namely base_link and the camera_link, in a group named Quadrotor. A virtual joint named "Base" connects the /base_link with the /map external frame that comes from rgbdslam.Then I setup sensors_rgbd.yaml to receive the point cloud from the camera driver directly, instead of getting the rgbdslam /batch_clouds, I'm using the fake_controller for now, but have one based on MultiDofFollowJointTrajectory.
Now the problem: roslaunching demo.launch of my created config package does gets the octomap being generated from the point cloud in Rviz, but seems like it doesn't update the octomap and the pose/orientation of the quad, and I think that's because the /joint_state isn't receiving any info about the quad pose.
So what I want to ask is how do I update the robot pose on Rviz? What node do I have to created to, for example, pick the /tf info from the camera, write it to /joint_state_publisher and get a /joint_state topic?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I've the same problem too. Did you solve the problem to publish over the
topic?any solution yet?
Yes, just get rid of MoveIt! and don't use /joint_state for a multicopter. Use a TransformStamped instead and a continuous joint between your world frame and your copter frame. Using a TransformStamped, you can move and orient your multicopter around all three axis