Rosrun executable not found
I'm trying to run a node from rosrun (it works when I manually enter ./program inside build directory). Yet it doesn't work when called by rosrun - it finds the directory by tab completion, but not the executable. How can I help it? I need it to use it in launch files.
[rosrun] Found the following, but they're either not files,
[rosrun] or not executable:
[rosrun] /home/user/ros_ws/catkin_ws/src/ros_programme
did you run the setup script for your catkin workspace?
Yes. The problem lies in the location of the executables. They're in catkin_ws/build/package_name and they should be somewhere in devel/lib I think. I guess it's something with the CMake file inside package source, but no idea what exactly.
What is the exact command line of your rosrun? What is that package setup and ROS_PACKAGE_PATH?
rosrun ros_programme ros_programme - doesn't work ./ros_programme (build/ros_programme directory) works I'm not sure what you mean by package setup, I'm a little bit green here. After sourcing many things, this is the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. /home/user/ros_ws/catkin_ws/install/share:/home/omikron/ros_ws/catkin_ws/install/stacks:/home/user/ros_ws/catkin_ws/src:/opt/ros/hydro/share:/opt/ros/hydro/stacks
Where is your code and "sourcing many things" would be the package setup. Is the binary in any of the paths in your package path? e.g. .../install
Additionally, the packages I put inside catkin_ws (downloaded from miscellaneous locations) usually allow me to easily use rosrun. This is the CMakeLists.txt of my package (also downloaded, but clearly somehow incomplete)
The binary is only in build directory (catkin_ws/build/ros_programme).
did you type ($source devel/setup.bash) in your catkin_ws before typing rosrun ...