Running PR2 in Gazebo; 2dnav gives TF errors
I'm trying to test some software I wrote in simulation before running it on the real PR2. I created a little Gazebo world that is a somewhat accurate representation of my workspace, and I launch it and it works fine for the most part. I can launch pr2_2dnav_slam.launch
and teleop the simulated PR2 around to generate a map of the area. Then I save the map, and I want to load it as a static map using a map_server
and then launch the nav stack. However, at this point the nav stack starts throwing a bunch of TF errors that all basically look like
[ERROR] [1327451804.285384190, 15.638000000]: Transform unavailable Lookup would require extrapolation into the past. Requested time 15.288000000 but the earliest data is at time 15.508000000, when looking up transform from frame [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
and becomes basically unusable. I have set ROBOT=sim and I'm using to launch the nav stack which should ensure that it's using the simulated PR2.
Any ideas on what could be wrong? Thanks!