Inappropriate ioctl for device
I have an issue running the gazebo server. It always crashes with a segfault.
Here is the debug log:
This is how I launch gazebo:
<include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
<arg name="debug" value="true">
I've looked around, more users seem to have this problem but there does not appear to be a definitive solution.
I run Ubuntu 12.04 with nvidia drivers (GT650M) installed by bumblebee. OpenGL appears to work (glxgears) and rviz works fine.
Any ideas?
Edit: this was using gazebo 1.9.3 and ROS Hydro
Which version of gazebo are you using? Have you tried with the latest version compiled from source?
Thanks for the advice, I'll try the latest version of Gazebo (currently the default that comes with hydro) and post the result here.