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I'm guessing this is less of a problem with gazebo, and more of a problem with running gdb from roslaunch. Here is an question that produces the same errors you are seeing, and here is a bug report that I filed with ros_comm about this same issues.

I'm guessing if you set debug to false the ioctl error will disappear. If you are still seeing segfaults, something unrelated to this error is causing the problem.

I'm guessing this is less of a problem with gazebo, and more of a problem with running gdb from roslaunch. Here Here is an question question that produces the same errors you are seeing, and here is a bug report that I filed with ros_comm about this same issues.

I'm guessing if you set debug to false the ioctl error will disappear. If you are still seeing segfaults, something unrelated to this error is causing the problem.