Using the household_objects_database with diamondback
I'd like to use the grasping-database on our PR2 (or gazebo to start with). I installed the database according to this tutorial:
and the node via the object_manipulation-package.
This is my server config and launchfile for the db:
database_host: localhost
database_port: 5432
database_user: willow
database_pass: willow
database_name: household-objects-0.4 (was 0.2 in earlier version)
<!-- load database connection parameters -->
<rosparam command="load"
file="$(find object_detection)/config/my_server.yaml"/>
<!-- start the database wrapper node -->
<node pkg="household_objects_database" name="objects_database_node"
type="objects_database_node" respawn="true" output="screen"/>
A first check on the DB looks good:
rosservice call /objects_database_node/get_model_list REDUCED_MODEL_SET
code: -1
model_ids: [18665, 18685, 18691, (...)]
But I can't get any gripping positions:
rosservice call /objects_database_node/database_grasp_planning "{arm_name: right_arm, target: {type: 1, model_pose:{model_id: 18744 } } }"
ERROR: Incompatible arguments to call service:
No field name [target.model_pose]
Provided arguments are:
* {'arm_name': 'right_arm', 'target': {'model_pose': {'model_id': 18744}, 'type': 1}} (type dict)
Service arguments are: [arm_name target.reference_frame_id target.potential_models target.cluster.header.seq (...) ]
If I use the db within the pick&place-demo, the demo aborts with the message
Object manipulator failed to call planner at /objects_database_node/database_grasp_planning
which seems rather related to the db error.
Has anyone used the db with diamondback and can give me a hint?
// Update (see comments)
In Standalone: rosservice call /objects_database_node/database_grasp_planning "{arm_name: right_arm, target: {potential_models: [{ model_id: 18744 }] } }"
grasps: []
value: 2
and the service itself prints those messages:
[ERROR] [1307478152.866188465, 25974.284000000]: Database grasp planning: database query error
[ERROR] [1307478758.305219944, 26535.359000000]: Hand description: could not find parameter /hand_description/right_arm/hand_database_name
[ERROR] [1307478758.305614745, 26535.360000000]: Database get list: query failed. Error: ERROR: column "grasp_compliant_copy" does not exist
LINE 1: ...sp_cluster_rep, grasp_table_clearance, hand_name, grasp_comp...
[ERROR] [1307478758.305675838, 26535.360000000]: Database grasp planning: database query error
// Update 2: Results for the 0.4-2 db:
grasps: []
value: 0
[ERROR] [1307617317.355176736]: Hand description: could not find parameter /hand_description/right_arm/hand_database_name
[ INFO] [1307617317.359785243]: Database object node: retrieved 0 grasps from database
[ INFO] [1307617317.359861977]: Database grasp planner: pruned 0 grasps for table collision or gripper angle above threshold
[ INFO] [1307617317.359905145]: Database grasp planner: returning 0 grasps
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![NikolasEngelhard NikolasEngelhard gravatar image](/m/default/media/images/nophoto.png?v=27)