Compiling object_recognition against which ROS base installation?
Until now I have successfully compiled object_recognition against ROS diamondback installation using the following .rosinstall configuration:
- svn: {local-name: object_recognition, uri: ''}
- svn: {local-name: object_recognition_experimental, uri: ''}
- svn: {local-name: perception_pcl_addons, uri: ''}
- svn: {local-name: vslam, uri: ''}
- svn: {local-name: opencv_candidate, uri: ''}
- other: {local-name: /opt/ros/diamondback/ros}
- other: {local-name: /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks}
where I installed diamondback as a .deb package in Ubuntu, following these instructions. After a SVN update of object_recognition and its dependencies (except ROS Diamondback) I am running into errors when using recognizer in tod_detecting. I receive "OpenCV errors" (some assertions fail).
- I wonder whether I am compiling the object_recognition stack against the same ROS installation and OpenCV version as the object_recognition developers?
- Or should I compile against SVN version of ROS?
- Is there a .rosinstall file for the object_recognition stack that relieves me of the burden to find the right dependencies for making object_recognition?
It would be helpful to have a similar setup like the object_recognition stack developers.
([ INFO] [1300976281.637313973]: LSH matching :1.66269
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (CV_IS_MAT(objectPoints) && CV_IS_MAT(imagePoints) && CV_IS_MAT(A) && CV_IS_MAT(rvec) && CV_IS_MAT(tvec)) in cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2, file /tmp/buildd/ros-diamondback-vision-opencv-1.4.1/debian/ros-diamondback-vision-opencv/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/vision_opencv/opencv2/build/opencv-svn/modules/calib3d/src/calibration.cpp, line 1156)
I'd like to know whether this is regression or whether I just need to adapt my environment.