move_base node dies - can't tell why
Hello ROS fans,
I am trying to get the navigation stack working with my new iRobot Create under Diamondback on Ubuntu 10.04. I am using the Brown irobot_create_2_1 package to drive the robot. I have successfully configured the navigation stack before for another robot under Cturtle so I thought it would be easy to transfer my parameter and launch files over to the Create. I am running the Master on the robot and RViz on my desktop. I have a Hokuyo laser scanner mounted on the Create. I can successfully view the robot and laser scan in RViz, and if I teleop the robot, I can watch it move in RViz. However when I run the following launch file, the move_base node dies within a few seconds.
<node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base" outp
<rosparam file="$(find pi_kinectbot)/params/costmap_common_params.yaml"
command="load" ns="global_costmap" />
<rosparam file="$(find pi_kinectbot)/params/costmap_common_params.yaml"
command="load" ns="local_costmap" />
<rosparam file="$(find pi_kinectbot)/params/local_costmap_params.yaml" c
ommand="load" />
<rosparam file="$(find pi_kinectbot)/params/global_costmap_params.yaml"
command="load" />
<rosparam file="$(find pi_kinectbot)/params/base_local_planner_params.ya
ml" command="load" />
The resulting log file is as follows:
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,272] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] UDPROS
server listening on port [50340]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,312] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] Started
node [/move_base], pid [27330], bound on [], xmlrpc port [55128], tc
pros port [48312], logging to [/home/patrick/.ros/log/37d28f70-49fc-11e0-b176-00
166f70860b/move_base-1.log], using [real] time
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,317] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] Publish
er update for [/tf]:,, http:
//,,, alr
eady have these connections:
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,317] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] Began a
synchronous xmlrpc connection to []
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,317] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] Began a
synchronous xmlrpc connection to []
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,318] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] Began a
synchronous xmlrpc connection to []
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,318] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] Began a
synchronous xmlrpc connection to []
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,318] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] Began a
synchronous xmlrpc connection to []
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,326] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC
call [lookupService] returned an error (-1): [no provider]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,335] [thread 0xb681f740]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC
call [searchParam] returned an error (-1): [Cannot find parameter [tf_prefix] i
n an upwards search]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,509] [thread 0xb601db70]: [DEBUG] Connect
ing via tcpros to topic [/tf] at host []
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,510] [thread 0xb601db70]: [DEBUG] Async c
onnect() in progress to [] on socket [17]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-08 19:38:19,510 ...