ethzasl_icp_mapping not moving forward while registering.
Initially map moves forward a little bit but after that it just keep on adding points standing still at the same place. Is there problem with the launch file? I am using velodyne-32-E and configuration file from artor.
this is the launch file I am using:
<node pkg="velodyne_driver" type="velodyne_node" name="velodyne_driver">
<param name="model" value="32E"/>
<param name="pcap" value="/home/administrator/Desktop/data/tunnel.pcap"/>
<param name="read_once" value="true"/>
<param name="frame_id" value="velodyne"/>
<node pkg="velodyne_pointcloud" type="cloud_node" name="cloud_node">
<param name="calibration" value="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/params/32db.yaml"/>
<param name="min_range" value="3.0"/>
<param name="max_range" value="130.0"/>
<node name="mapper" type="mapper" pkg="ethzasl_icp_mapper" output="screen" >
<remap from="cloud_in" to="/velodyne_points" />
<param name="subscribe_scan" value="false"/>
<param name="subscribe_cloud" value="true"/>
<param name="icpConfig" value="$(find ethzasl_icp_mapper)/launch/artor/icp.yaml" />
<param name="inputFiltersConfig" value="$(find ethzasl_icp_mapper)/launch/artor/input_filters.yaml" />
<param name="mapPostFiltersConfig" value="$(find ethzasl_icp_mapper)/launch/artor/map_post_filters.yaml" />
<param name="odom_frame" value="/velodyne" />
<param name="map_frame" value="/map" />
<param name="useROSLogger" value="true" />
<param name="useConstMotionModel" value="false" />
<param name="localizing" value="true" />
<param name="mapping" value="true" />
<param name="minOverlap" value="0.8" />
<param name="maxOverlapToMerge" value="0.9" />
<param name="tfRefreshPeriod" value="0.01" />
<param name="vtkFinalMapName" value="finalMap.vtk" />
<param name="useROSLogger" value="true" />
<param name="minReadingPointCount" value="1000" />
<param name="minMapPointCount" value="10000" />
<param name="inputQueueSize" value="1" />
same problem here with a 2d laser on a pioneer robot.
Did someone solve this issue?