implementing realtime controllers with ros_control
Hi All,
I'm starting to implement a better control framework for a manipulator. I'd like keep some level of compatibility with the ros_control project thats under development. I'm looking to implement a RT velocity controller using Xenomai Native API, and communicating with user space via shared memory. It appears that interacting with this shared memory should be the job of robot_hw class, which seems to load an interface.
Should I look to only modify the interface classes (joint_state_interface, actuator_interface) to conduct the memsharing operations? ie, is that the intention of ros_control, that users only have to adjust the interface classes to marry up with their hardware arrangement? Or is there some lower level?
EDIT The method by which the realtime controller is implemented is really not important, I just would like to know at which part of the ros_control api I should implement access to the lower level realtime controllers. Ie which classes should I modify to include the access point to the hardware.
any guidance would be welcome