Unable to locate package ros-groovy-desktop-full [closed]
I installed ros-groovy-desktop-full in my ubuntu 12.10. Then I updated to ubuntu 13.04 and everything worked fine.
I've uninstalled ros-groovy-desktop-full(with apt-get rm), also removed directories ~/ros_workspace and ~/.ros, and update ~/.bashrc.
Now I'm trying to reinstall again ROS in ubuntu 13.04, using this line in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list: deb ...ros.org/ros/ubuntu raring main but I get this message: Unable to locate package ros-groovy-desktop-full.
Only works when I put deb ...ros.org/ros/ubuntu quantal main But quantal is for ubuntu 12.10 and it's not my current version.
Is it ok for the rest of the installation and configuration? Should it work with the line "raring" ?
Thanks in advance