Turtlebot 2 with Kobuki base - Jerky movement and Warning message
I am running the turtlebot 2 with c++ code I wrote. I continuously get an error message stating:
Is robot stalled? Motors current is very high
After the predetermined halt message I input (5 second delay) the turtlebot will continue moving again, and then halt after another second or so. Is there anything that I can do?
Here is how I am publishing velocity commands:
#include "ros/ros.h"
//The following have the < and > symbols removed so that they appear in ros answers.
#include iostream
#include string
#include vector
#include math.h
#include stdlib.h
#include time.h
#include diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus.h
#include diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray.h
#include sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h
#include geometry_msgs/Twist.h
#include std_msgs/Int32.h
using namespace std;
double secondsLaptop = 0;
double secondsCreate = 0;
//abort flag turned on if bump or wheeldrop sensors activated, or warning or error messages are thrown
bool ab0rt = 0;
bool rotateDirSet=0;
double linearVel = 0.0;
double angularVel = 0.0;
//vector containing laserscan readings within kinect's field of view
std::vector<double> rangeReadings;
//these hold average distance values for leftmost and rightmost laser readings
double distToLeftWall;
double distToRightWall;
double centerLeft;
double centerRight;
//flag turned on when vector containing laserscan readings is initalized
bool rangesInit=0;
void laserAggCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr &msg)
//sensor_msgs::LaserScan points = msg->ranges[i];
//purge vector immediately before fresh values are pushed on
//fill vector with full range of values from laserScan message (320 degrees)
for(int i=0; i<640; i++)
int k = i-1;
if(i==0 && rangeReadings[i] != rangeReadings[i])
rangeReadings[i] = 0.0;
//cout << rangeReadings[i] << endl;
else if(rangeReadings[i] != rangeReadings[i])
rangeReadings[i] = rangeReadings[k];
// cout << rangeReadings[i] << endl;
// ROS_INFO("Range[%d]: [%f]",i ,rangeReadings[i]);
/* This method checks for nearby obstacles/walls and
* allows the robot to stay centered while moving down a hallway.
void driveCentered()
if (!rangeReadings.empty())
//variables to store average far left and far right laser scan readings
// holds the minimum laser scan reading
double minDistance=11.0;
// holds the index of the minimum laser scan reading
int minIndex=320;
// holds the average of all laser scan readings within Kinect's FOV
double avgDist=0;
//extract only the laser scan readings that are within the Kinect's field of view
for (int i=6;i<640;i++)
avgDist += rangeReadings[i];
if (rangeReadings[i]<minDistance)
minIndex = i;
avgDist /= 634;
// check for objects/wall closer than 1m or for high avg distance reading indicating that
// the robot is directly facing a very close wall or corner
//if (minDistance < 1 || avgDist >= 9.0)
if(avgDist <= 0.6)
// ROS_INFO("minDistance: %f", minDistance);
// ROS_INFO("avgDist: %f", avgDist);
// do not move forward
linearVel = 0.0;
//Make waiter turtlebot wait for 5 seconds *****
// choose rotation direction based on location of minimum distance
if (minIndex <= 320 && rotateDirSet == 0 )
angularVel = 0.4;
else if (rotateDirSet == 0)
angularVel = -0.4;
// set flag to ...
Please put code snippets into the code block to improve readability. I took the freedom to edit your post accordingly.
Thank you very much, I forgot how to place the code into a code block.