How to determine the units used in odom_combined and Twist on Turtlebot Kobuki?
I am attempting to figure out how the measurements received from the rostopic, odom_combined
(geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped) relate to real world units. For example, when I input the following command: rostopic echo odom_combined
. I received the following output
x: -0.9762
y: -2.1532
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: -0.6230
w: 0.7821
I think that orientation is in radians, but I cannot figure out the units of position. I moved the turtlebot from x: -0.9762 to x: 0.9762, but, when I measured the actual distanced moved, I got 12 feet 7 inches.
I am also trying to figure out the units of twist. I think that orientation in twist is in radians per second, but I do not know what units position is in.