how to build a map from logged data
I am trying to get a 2d map. I am following the slam_gmapping tutorial MappingFromLoggedData.
I get the bag, and I do rosmake gmapping and roscore after I did rscore, I brought up the master. my question is what should I do next... should I start a new terminal, and then do rosparam set use_sim_time true or something else? when I am in the master, I enter some commands, but it does not respond to me... I am trying to skip this two steps, and go directly to the rosbag play <bag> I run the rosbag and it is done. I am tring to get the map, so I ran rosrun map_server map_saver, but it is an error: [rospack] Error: stack/package map_server not found
can anyone tells me how to deal with that?