Has anyone written a trajectory plotting tool?
Adam Leeper asked on ros-users:
I'd like a tool that plots a series of joint trajectories. In my work, I continuously re-plan motions, meaning I need each trajectory to spline smoothly at a particular time with the previously commanded trajectory. Having a graphical tool to verify that this is happening correctly would be very useful.
Has anyone already written such a tool? Otherwise, I guess I'll start getting familiar with rqt and matplotlib...
David Lu answered on ros-users:
I have a tool based around a library here: https://code.google.com/p/wu-robotics/source/browse/trunk/precise_trajectory/graph_trajectory/src/graph_trajectory/__init__.py
It also uses a JointWatcher to record the values that are actually performed. https://code.google.com/p/wu-robotics/source/browse/trunk/precise_trajectory/pr2_precise_trajectory/src/pr2_precise_trajectory/joint_watcher.py
Dorian Scholz answered on ros-users:
the rqt GUI has a 2D plotter rqt_plot that can plot numerical data from messages. It is very similar to rxplot, but there is no restriction (as far as I know) on how many variables can be plotted. It's just dependent on you CPU power... rqt_plot has three different drawing backends selectable from it's configuration menu: - qwt plot (fast, but not using message timestamps and needs python-qwt bindings) - pyqtgraph (fast and needs pyqtgraph to be installed which is not in the repos) - matplotlib (slow but always available)
Dirk Thomas answered on ros-users:
Even without any further information how you want to plot the trajectories I would recommend looking into QGraphicsScene as the backend. May be this is a better fit than using matplotlib.
Hi , David Lu could you explain how to use your program??? thanks