Incorrect Roll,Pitch, Yaw values using getRPY()
Hi, so I am trying to convert Quaternion to RPY (refer my other post)and use the following inorder to do so -
getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw)
I am trying to duplicate the values I get from Optitrack software (on a windows machine) and display those in ROS (on a separate computer) using the package - ros_vrpn_client
After wasting a lot of time trying to figure it out and also takign help from quite a few users over here, I did manage to display certain RPY values, but they don't match if I move my robot around.
The issues are varied too, it's not the same problem every time -
- Sometimes the value I display is negative of the value obtained from Optitrack
- Sometimes the value of Pitch and Roll are interchanged as compared to the Optitrack values.
The only value consistent enough is the Yaw.
Can anyone explain as to why this might be happening? (I would hope to hear from those who actually developed the package, or those who worked on it, but been unlucky mostly so far.) Thank you!