Cant see Kinect Data. [closed]
Hi, I am working on this project that involves using the Kinect for XBOX 360S with ROS.
I did all the steps mentioned in the ROS Tutorials to have Openni Installed and the Prime sense and other drivers. and when i go to Openni samples i see a output. But in ROS i do a roscore and in another terminal do a roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch. And it loads with the regular calibration warnings and service already registered errors. Then in another terminal i open Rviz which gives a error /.rviz/display_config does not exist. And even though i accept the error and go ahead i see a black window which shows no output ,even if i do all tasks mentioned at the RVIZ Tutorials. Also i tried running "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color" and it shows up a blank window with no output. How do i resolve this and get ros to show my kinect data??
I need to run RGBDSLAM and use this kinect later.
I am on Ubuntu 12.04 and ROS-Fuerte.
Could you pls paste your openni window output? Or maybe try rostopic hz or echo to see whether there is some output.
Well when i launch the openni.launch it starts as usual except for the errors ¨Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressedDepth/set_parameters]¨
You can use "rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_color" to check whether anything is sent on that topic. Rviz may display nothing because you haven't told it to do so. Also check out, whether there is data on other topics, e.g. "rostopic hz /camera/depth_registered/image_rect"
And when i run a rostopic it just says subscribed to the /camera/depth_registered/points and keeps blinking.
Ok. I checked and had the same symptoms as you for the topics you mention, but I get data at the rectified topics, e.g. /camera/depth_registered/image_rect. But .../points works for me.
Even subscribing to the rectified topics just says subscribed and nothing more happens.
Then it's definitely the driver. Can you post its output in your question (and format it as code please)
@Felix Endres : On running roswtf i get 17 Errors "Communication with /camera/depth/metric/ failed