First question: Are you intentionally using Ubuntu 11.04 with Fuerte, and is 11.04 a requirement? REP-003 states that 11.04 is not a target platform for Fuerte, so you have to compile everything yourself instead of just installing pre-compiled debian packages.
If you check the humanoid_localization Wiki page, you will see a list of dependencies on the right. These ROS packages are required for compiling humanoid_localization, so you need to find their right source versions (e.g. through the Wiki) and compile them as well. Best check the humanoid_navigation stack and install the stacks that it depends on. Now, if you were using Ubuntu 10.04, 11.10, or 12.04 then you could simply install the corresponding debian packages (e.g. sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-octomap-msgs
), otherwise you will have to compile them all from source and add them to your ROS workspace.