RGBDSLAM Cannot produce Octomap
I got RGBDSLAM working on my Ubuntu 12.04 machine. I am using ROS Fuerte and Xbox Kinect. I can save the map as .pcl and .ply, but I can't get any octomap. When I press "send model" in RGBDSLAM and save a map using octomap_saver and try to view it using octovis it only shows an empty cube (which means no map).
I used rostopic echo /rgbdslam/batch_clouds while running RGBDSLAM but nothing is being published on that topic! I checked the settings in RGBDSLAM and individual_cloud_out_topic and it is set to the right topic (which is /rgbdslam/batch_clouds).
What could be preventing the data from being published on that topic? Any thoughts on how I can generate an octomap?