PR2 move_base how to get map
I bring up pr2 in Gazebo with
roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_emtpyworld.launch
PR2 comes up and I want to use move_base programatically to move it to some (x,y) coordinate. So I tried to bring up move_base server with following..
rosrun move_base move_base
But it asks for map, the tutorials in pr2_simulator and navigation stack only talk about pre-defined maps.
[ INFO] [1358441051.857729791]: Subscribed to Topics:
[ INFO] [1358441051.868857033]: Requesting the map...
[ INFO] [1358441051.870152566]: Still waiting on map...
Is it possible to get a map out of Gazebo? Or, am I suppose to be manually creating a map file? I read similar questions on this forum, but still confused.. Since I am fairly new to ROS/ navigation stack / map, please refer to specific example. Thanks!