gazebo usage of textures / pictures
I am trying to build a model of robot arm in simulation with checkerboards on it for image recognition. For this I use the simple arm model. Is there somewhere a good description of all the possibilities of urdf / gazebo models? Because I found from a presentation that you can use for instance patterns:
<material name="pattern">
<texture filename="package://roscon_urdf/logo.jpg"/>
But I could not find this back in the did not load either:
Warning [] XML Attribute[name] in element[material] not defined in SDF, ignoring.
Error [] XML Element[texture], child of element[material] not defined in SDF. Ignoring.[material]
Error [] Error reading element
Error [] Unable to parse sdf element[gazebo]
Error [] parse as old deprecated model file failed.
Error [] Unable to read sdf string
The material script line from the simple_arm was replaced with the code above. Loaded with
rosrun gazebo spawn_model -file simple_arm.model -gazebo -model box
What are the differences between .model .urdf and .sdf files?
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Thanks for your response, tags added. At which part does this post not comply with the guidelines?
Just the tags... Thanks.