costmap creation
I would like to create a map of my environment.
I don't want to use gmap because I have yet a plan of the environment.
How can I convert my jgpeg in a ros map that I can see in rviz?
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I would like to create a map of my environment.
I don't want to use gmap because I have yet a plan of the environment.
How can I convert my jgpeg in a ros map that I can see in rviz?
You need to run map_server with your map. For that, it's best to write a yaml file with your map's metadata and convert your jpeg to something the map server can handle, for instance pnm. Have a look at the map_server wiki page. Note that since jpeg is not a lossless compression format, your map might not be perfect anymore, i.e. the colors at the edges of obstacles might be wrong.
Asked: 2012-10-31 04:07:59 -0500
Seen: 242 times
Last updated: Oct 31 '12
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