ardrone_ brown ardrone error in camera
i would like to use ardrone_brown on my ArDrone 2.0. but i have a error. when i use this package with this tutorial ""
I can take off/ land and Move my ArDrone but I have problem with the camera.
I type
$ roscore $rosrun ardrone_brown ardrone_driver $rosrun drone_teleop
but when I type :
" rosrun image_view image_view image:=/ardrone/image_raw " in my terminal, i can not watch the signal of my Ardrone Camera.
P.S. I use UBUNTU 12.01 and ROS FUERTE
P.S.2 It is not a error in my camera because i also try to use the drive Ardrone _ autonomy and i can watch my camera but i want to use the other driver because i want to use for navigation on vision.
Sorry for my english.
Thank you!