pi-robot pkg for kinect - process has died error
After installing openni_camera and pi-robot package (skeleton_markers and pi_tracker), I've been trying to run the skeleton tracking launch files, but always fails with the message like this:
[tracker_joint_controller-3] process has died [pid 23481, exit code 1, cmd /home/daikii/fuerte_workspace/pi-robot/pi_tracker/bin/tracker_joint_controller.py __name:=tracker_joint_controller __log:=/home/daikii/.ros/log/0bc93050-1ad4-11e2-80a6-001b63050e97/tracker_joint_controller-3.log]. log file: /home/daikii/.ros/log/0bc93050-1ad4-11e2-80a6-001b63050e97/tracker_joint_controller-3*.log
Can anyone specify what this message is trying to tell me? I tried modifying the launch files, checking directories, and etc, but I can't pinpoint the problem.
I am running ROS fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04.
Thank you so much for your help!