Adjusting the default clipping distance on Gazebo
I have a large world file, and unfortunately the default clipping distance (in is set such that I cannot view my entire world on screen. So far, I have worked around this by:
1. Deleting the ROS_NOBUILD in the gazebo folder located in /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo
2. Performing a '$rosmake gazebo' as root
3. Modifying the
4. Doing a '$make', '$make install', and '$ldconfig' as root in the appropriate build folder to propagate the changes.
While this worked on prior gazebo releases, with the newest gazebo release (1.6.16) the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH does not seem to be set correctly after going through this process. Besides, I would like to not have to mess around with a rosmake of gazebo (which I know is ill advised) so an alternative solution would be welcome.