gmapping creates no map
I created a bagfile containing the data of a LaserScan and odometry published in /tf.
According to rostopic echo the data is fine, by fine I mean the data is changing and in the right form.
Still, for some reason I don't know, this warning occurs:
[ WARN] [1243531255.142345324]: MessageFilter [target=/odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.gmapping.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
Anyone there, who had the same problem?
P.S.: I know, there warning contains information about what to do, but I haven't figured out, what it wants me to explanations what "turn the rosconsole logger" means and how it is done are also welcome :-)
Edit: According to another question asked here, it might be some issue concerning time stamps, therefore I modified my /scan topic by setting the header.stamp to ros::Time::now(), which is exactly what I do with the /odom's header...
Edit2: link text
That is one of the bagfiles I recorded :-)
Edit3: testfile here is a file with a static transform publisher - still all odom data is dropped, and I really can't make out the difference to the tutorial's bagfile - at least I've found nothing that should matter....
could you post the bagfile? It is hard to tell what's going on without it...
done, thanks for your affords