gazebo collision detection
Hi all,
I am looking to perform collision detection between specific links in a model both internally (e.g. link 1 to link 2 of model 1) and externally (e.g. link 1 of model 1 to any part of model 2). My initial intention was to write a gazebo model/world plugin to assess the collisions of the links and perform actions (i.e. apply joint torques) accordingly; however, I can't find a way to access the collision elements. Suggestions? (Note, this is similiar to the post
I've tried using the gazebo_ros_bumper as suggested in the post referenced above, but always see the state returning [] and an error message: "Contact sensor[link_name_contact_sensor] has no collsion[link_name_geom]" Otherwise, there are no error messages while setting up the bumper.
I'm running the current version of fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04.