Mechanism for calculating smooth trajectory?
I have a wheelchair robot, and I have written by own path planner. My path planner gives a set of waypoints to reach the goal, each ~1m apart, and a path is re-planned every time there is something observed by Kinect. I have been sending these waypoints to move_base to get to these waypoints, treating them as a goal to move_base node. However, I realized that move_base is slow in adapting to a new goal when there is a goal already being pursued.
I just need a mechanism that computes a smooth trajectory given a two points (current position and the goal), by taking account of the current robot's velocity and position. I do not need obstacle avoidance, costmap update, recovery method and etc, which I presume is slowing down the move_base node. Is there a such node in ROS? I think base_local_planner is somehow publishing the velocity (cmd_vel topic) with a given plan, however I do not really have a plan but only two points.
Any help would be appreciated.