Converting urdf to collada in ros2
I am trying to convert an urdf file to collada using ros2. However, everything I find is related to ros1 and packages that are not updated to ros2 (e.g. collada_urdf).
Is there any package that replaced collada_urdf in ros2?
Note: I need this since I am trying to use IKFast Kinematics Solver ( for a custom robot. And during the conversion from urdf to collada (using the script) a few errors appear.
Converting urdf to Collada
[rospack] Error: package 'ur_description' not found
[librospack]: error while executing command
[ WARN] [1686223054.263217111]: failed to load resource package://ur_description/meshes/ur10/visual/base.dae
Document successfully written to robot.dae
Running --database inversekinematics --robot=/input/wrapper.xml --iktype=Transform6D --iktests=1000
could not import scipy.optimize.leastsq
2023-06-08 11:17:36,331 openrave [WARN] [plugindatabase.h:577 InterfaceBasePtr OpenRAVE::RaveDatabase::Create] Failed to create name fcl_, interface collisionchecker
I suspect these errors to be the cause for a later error of the Solver:
openravepy.databases.inversekinematics: testik, success rate: 0.000000, wrong solutions: 0.994000, no solutions: 0.006000, missing solution: 0.000000
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/", line 126, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openravepy/_openravepy_0_9/databases/", line 1123, in run
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openravepy/_openravepy_0_9/databases/", line 1111, in RunFromParser
raise InverseKinematicsError(u'wrong rate %f > 0!'%wrongrate)
openravepy._openravepy_0_9.databases.inversekinematics.InverseKinematicsError: Inverse Kinematics Error
wrong rate 0.994000 > 0!
'docker run --rm --user 1000:1000 -v /tmp/ikfast.zpIG8H:/input --workdir /input -e HOME=/input fixed-openrave:latest --database inversekinematics --robot=/input/wrapper.xml --iktype=Transform6D --iktests=1000' failed with exec code 1:
[ros2run]: Process exited with failure 1
By converting from urdf to collada beforehand I want to circumvent these problems.
If you know a package or you know that the package not found error is not related to the low success rate of openrave please let me know.
Thanks in advance.