Change Gazebo Default Robot pose
Dear Community,
my UR10 robot in gazebo starts in a very bad initial orientation which makes it really hard to plan out of. Therefore i want to change the initaial configuration.
i start the simulation using the launchfile:
<arg name="limited" default="true" doc="limit the joints"/>
<arg name="pipeline" default="pilz_industrial_motion_planner" /> <!-- ompl for normal operation and pilz_industrial_motion_planner for the industrial-->
<!--bring up ur10 robot in gazebo-->
<include file="$(find ur_gazebo)/launch/ur10_bringup.launch"/>
<!--No 'limited' in ur10 bringup arg name="limited" value="$(arg limited)"/-->
<!--delay, not necessary-->
<node pkg="timed_roslaunch" type="" args="3 $(find ur10_moveit_config)/launch/ur10_moveit_planning_execution_sim.launch pipeline:=$(arg pipeline)" name="timed_roslaunch" output="screen" />
<!--run configuration package for moveit motion planning-->
<!--include file="$(find ur10_moveit_config)/launch/ur10_moveit_planning_execution_sim.launch"/-->
<!--A dome shape trajectory moving around the part to be recorded-->
<!--node name="move_node" pkg="fmp_move_traj" type="" output="screen"/-->
<!--An action for dataset recording-->
<!--node name="pipelime_node" pkg="fmp_pipelime_dataset" type="" output="screen"/-->
i suspect this means i must modify the ur10_bringup.launch. Which looks like: <launch>