Navsat_Transform + Dual EKF Issue In Jackal Rover
Hi, I am trying to implement GPS based autonomous navigation on my Jackal Rover simulated, using dual ekf and navsat transform, but I am unable to refine the implementation, indeed the problem is that the robot is not stable when executes the move_base package to reach goal. I urgently need help for my project. I would really appreciate if you someone can guide me. I share with you the link of my roscject belongs to the Construct repository, to execute my project see the command in the notebook I also attach the file about Navsat Transform and EKF filter. I also attach the Drive about the file Navsat Transform and EKF filter you so much for the help.
I think your question is too broad, and I doubt anyone here has the time to debug your project for you. If you have a specific ros question about gps or ekf or move_base, or have a specific ros error message you would like explained, we can try to help you with that.
Thank you for the answer, i see that is too broad, so my questions are the follows. 1) when applying the dual ekf, from what I understand, you get two odometries, the local and the global, I would like to ask you what are the differences between the two. 2) The other question is that, from what I understand the navsat tranform takes as input the local odometry of the ekf gave as output, I would like to ask you why it takes the global. 3) furthermore what role that the navsat transform have in practice in the robot localization