robot_localization: navsat transform node does not publish
According to tutorial about GPS Integration and use of navsat transform node, i put into node the imu with absolute heading values, odometry that is the output of second instance of EKF and NavSatFix message.
The problem is that the node doesn't publish any data in /odometry/gps. I check the covariances of IMU and odometry message. I check also the value of lat/lon/h of GPS message because I have readed that one of this is NaN the navsat_transform node doesn't make output.
So, what is my fault?
UPDATE 16-03-2016 Bagfile:
Roslaunch navsat_node:
UPDATE 23-01-2017 Roslaunch navsat_node:
Please post a sample message for all inputs, as well as your navsat_transform_node configuration.